2024-2025 Grand Term


Jaeda B.
Grand Worthy Advisor

Theme:  Growing Leaders with New Hampshire Rainbow

Charity:  Squam Lakes Natural Science Center

Service Project:  Blessing Bags

Colors:  Bark Brown, Cloud White, River Blue, Leaf Green, Mushroom Red

Symbols:  Butterflies, Streams, Mountains

Flower:  Orchid

Song:  Upside Down – Jack Johnson

Honored Station:  Fidelity

Quote:  “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson

GO Fun Name: Esteemed Explorers

GO Mascots: Moose, Foxes, Racoons

GR Fun Name: Tenacious Travelers

GR Mascots: Rabbits, Bats, Squirrels

Pledge Fun Name: Awesome Adventurers

Advisor Fun Name: Positive Pioneers

Newsletter: Mountain Monthly

2024-2025 Grand Term


Jaeda B.
Grand Worthy Advisor

Theme:  Growing Leaders with New Hampshire Rainbow

Charity:  Squam Lakes Natural Science Center

Service Project:  Blessing Bags

Colors:  Bark Brown, Cloud White, River Blue, Leaf Green, Mushroom Red

Symbols:  Butterflies, Streams, Mountains

Flower:  Orchid

Song:  Upside Down – Jack Johnson

Honored Station:  Fidelity

Quote:  “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson

GO Fun Name: Esteemed Explorers

GO Mascots: Moose, Foxes, Racoons

GR Fun Name: Tenacious Travelers

GR Mascots: Rabbits, Bats, Squirrels

Pledge Fun Name: Awesome Adventurers

Advisor Fun Name: Positive Pioneers

Newsletter: Mountain Monthly